Security Compliance Analyst

Marcelino has over 12 years of IT experience. At Lighthouse he manages compliance tracking via ServiceNow and validates compliance with internal security policies and standards as well as client requirements. Additionally, Marcelino leads certification reviews for ISO 27001, SOC 2, and HIPAA.

Cloud Security and Costs: How to Mitigate Risks Within the Cloud

Published Fri, January 22, 2021 by Marcelino Hoyla

When it comes to storing organizational data in the Cloud, a few phrases come to mind: the train has left the station; the ship has sailed; the horse is out of the barn, etc. No matter how you phrase it, the meaning is the same – the world is moving to the Cloud, with or without you. It is no longer an oncoming revolution. The revolution is here and your organization needs to prepare for dealing with data in the Cloud, if it hasn’t already. With that in mind, let’s talk cloud logistics – namely, security and cost.

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