When it comes to enterprise migrations, the terminology and meanings can vary widely between companies, business units, and disciplines. With so many interpretations of the same language, it can be difficult to keep the proper taxonomies straight. On the other hand, ensuring consistent and coherent understanding across the organization is a key component to any successful migration project. In the realm of ediscovery and compliance, this often creates challenges for stakeholders from the two most important constituencies: legal and IT.

Director of Advisory Sales
Patrick has 17 years of experience in the consulting field, primarily in sales and management positions. He has a background in data and analytics, with more than 10 years of experience selling custom data management and reporting solutions, ranging from BI dashboards to predictive and prescriptive analytics backed by cutting-edge cloud technologies.
Terminology Demystified: Migration Success Begins by Speaking the Same Language
Mon, January 06, 2020
Patrick Porter