So you’re packing up and moving to the Cloud? As corporations of all shapes and sizes are rapidly adopting the Cloud, whether you’ve already started or are just beginning the process, it’s critical to take the time to create an effective strategy to ensure your migration project’s success.

eDiscovery Evangelist and Marketing Content Strategist
Sarah is an eDiscovery Evangelist and Marketing Content Strategist at Lighthouse. She has over 18 years of experience across the legal, technology, and marketing industries since graduating from law school. She specializes in creating digital marketing strategy and content for Lighthouse. She particularly enjoys the challenge of translating and communicating the benefits of legal technology to help clients innovate and optimize their information governance and ediscovery programs. Her expertise in ediscovery began in the early days when she supported clients in a project management capacity on a multitude of cases including regulatory investigations and complex litigation. She earned her B.A. in Political Science from the University of Washington, and J.D. from American University in Washington, D.C.
Top Three Things That Could Derail Your Cloud Migration Project
Top Four Considerations for Law Firms When Choosing a SaaS eDiscovery Solution
“The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data.” That’s what The Economist said in a fascinating opinion piece in 2017 that really stuck with me. This bold statement now seems more prescient than ever, as digital data continues to explode in volume and the advent of the cloud is significantly expanding where that valuable data, or electronically stored information (ESI), lives. So how has the legal world, and particularly all of us in the ediscovery realm, fared?
Best Practices for Embracing the SaaS eDiscovery Revolution
It’s an exciting time in the world of legal tech as SaaS ediscovery solutions, and cloud computing in general, represent an enormous amount of potential with nearly unlimited capacity of storage, power, and scalability, whether you’re handling small or very large matters. Once seen as something only big firms need to deal with for large cases, we’ve seen electronic communication in the workplace (like email and chat) become the norm and consequently ediscovery become a typical domain for law firms of all shapes and sizes. It makes perfect...
Three Reasons Why Law Firms Should Adopt SaaS for eDiscovery
Lawyers, and the legal field in general, are not exactly known for their willingness to embrace new technology and change the tried and true, traditional ways they’ve always used to practice law. But as technology has taken over our everyday lives and become the norm across most industries, there’s no time like the present for lawyers and litigation support professionals to take a second look at how they can get up to speed on the best and newest ediscovery technology that will ultimately transform their business, and in turn, create happier...
Antitrust Leadership Panel: Evolving for the Future
In the final installment of my three-part blog series covering Lighthouse’s recent Antitrust Leadership Panel on the issues and strategies surrounding second requests, I will highlight the panel’s proposed solutions on how we can evolve for the future, specifically surrounding the role of technology as presented in the first blog, and toward reducing the time and cost of second requests as highlighted in the second blog.