Staying on Pointe: Key Lessons eDiscovery Professionals can Learn from Ballet

Published Thu, January 09, 2020 by Casey Van Veen

Co-authored by Casey Van Veen and Renée Quezada

Terminology Demystified: Migration Success Begins by Speaking the Same Language

Published Mon, January 06, 2020 by Patrick Porter

When it comes to enterprise migrations, the terminology and meanings can vary widely between companies, business units, and disciplines. With so many interpretations of the same language, it can be difficult to keep the proper taxonomies straight. On the other hand, ensuring consistent and coherent understanding across the organization is a key component to any successful migration project. In the realm of ediscovery and compliance, this often creates challenges for stakeholders from the two most important constituencies: legal and IT.

Sitting at the Same Lunch Table: 3 Key Ways to Ensure Legal and IT are in Sync

Published Fri, December 20, 2019 by Bill Mariano

Legal and IT teams do not necessarily sit at the same lunch table (to use an over-simplified high-school analogy), however, organizations can quickly run into challenges when these teams are not aligned. As corporate data volume and types continue to grow at record speed, it is critical to maintain a technology infrastructure that is not only secure, but also satisfies the legal requirements for managing information. I recently had the privilege of chatting with Craig Shaver, the eDiscovery Program Director at Hilton Worldwide, about the...

Top Three Things That Could Derail Your Cloud Migration Project

Published Fri, December 13, 2019 by Sarah Ledgerwood

So you’re packing up and moving to the Cloud? As corporations of all shapes and sizes are rapidly adopting the Cloud, whether you’ve already started or are just beginning the process, it’s critical to take the time to create an effective strategy to ensure your migration project’s success.

Now Live! Season Two of Law & Candor

Published Wed, December 04, 2019 by Lighthouse

This eDiscovery Day, the day that focuses on educating industry professionals around growing trends and current challenges, we are excited to announce that season two of Law & Candor, the podcast wholly devoted to pursuing the legal technology revolution, is now live.

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Lighthouse’s Illuminating eDiscovery Blog features thought leadership pieces ranging from simple tips and tricks and industry event takeaways, to case law changes and ediscovery standards. These pieces are developed by technology and legal experts and focused on providing readers with practical tips that  they can put in place in their professional lives.